Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Negativity I've Had Enough

I have too much of it. I don't consider myself a negative person, in fact most of the time I consider myself an optimist. But you really would know that from this blog. I don't know why but I feel like the only times I have something to blog about is when I'm having trouble. Or I need to vent. When I'm happy or having a good day it just doesn't occur to me to sit down and write about it. This post over at MMW has me thinking that I need to be more proactive about being positive. I'm going to start today. Because in all reality, my life is pretty darn good!

1. I have two beautiful, well absolutely GORGEOUS, daughters
2. I have a very nice apartment, with an attached garage
3. I don't have to worry about money, we have enough
4. I am a really good cook
5. I am very creative when it comes to activities with my girls
6. I have an amazing husband who works 60-80 hours a week without complaining
7. I like who I am
8. I love my ward
9. I can wear pajama's until noon and not feel guilty about it
10. My camera still takes pictures
11. Both girls are sleeping right now
12. I have friends who call me and arrange for us to hang out
13. I have a very kind and caring mother-in-law
14. I have a wonderful church calling
15. My husband knows how to iron
16. Googie's hair is growing back
17. Dot likes to eat baby cereal
18. I have a washer and dryer in my apartment
19. My car runs well, I never have to worry about it
20. Lactose free chocolate chip cookies are actually really good
21. As a family we only have $2000 of debt
22. I'm a mom
23. I can carry around 20 extra pounds and still look pretty
24. We're in the process of buying our first home after only 4 years of marriage
25. We have two cars
26. I can fix my clothes when they rip
27. I make a mean loaf of french bread
28. I talk to my mom at least twice a week
29. I enjoy attending church
30. I'm married to the love of my life

I don't mean for this list to come off as boastful, prideful, or anything of the sort. I just need to get myself into the habit of appreciating what I have and not worrying too much about the little things that go wrong. Making that list was really hard for me. As I would type out a line I'd start typing a clarification "but it would be better if . . ." or "but it's not good enough." I don't know when I became such a cynical person.

My life is truly blessed. There are so many things that could be worse, and in all honesty, not much that could be better. Yes, the cleaning fairies could visit my house while I slept. Yes, my two year old could be the first of the 9 billion that came before her to actually listen to her momma. But really, I have no room to complain. None.

It took writing that list out to make me appreciate all I have. It's hard not to get caught up in the everyday battles of life. Most days I feel like I'm examining my life through a microscope. Seeing every, tiny, little, blemish in my life. But today, I've pulled my eyes away, and seen the whole person. I have everything that I need. And that should be enough. I need to let that be enough.

And so I'm beginning a new category on this blog. One that I hope someday will be the most frequently posted in.

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