Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Follow the Sheep

The high on Friday is going to be 8*. What sort of place has a high of 8*??!!! You know it's pretty said when the weather man says the temp will get up to 40* and my first thought is "oh nice, we'll have some warm weather again." No sarcasm involved people.

In all seriousness though. I didn't know places that got this cold and stayed this cold were actually inhabited by people. Mountain goats maybe, penguins absolutely, but real, living, breathing, humans? Seriously, it's crazy. Haven't these people ever heard of . . . oh, I don't know . . . San Diego? Florida? Iceland? Of all the beautiful, wonderful places there are to live, which moron decided the tundra would be a great place to build a city??!! I love a good pile of dirt encrusted, 4 week old, snow as much as the next gal, but there is a certain point in every persons life when they have to ask themselves "When are we going to concede the hopeless battle against the fluffy white demon, and sacrifice the doomed city??"

You know I heard somewhere that when you get to "the great beyond" you get three questions, and they have to be answered. My three:

1. What, exactly, is the purpose of mosquitoes, parasitical insects, and otherwise unnamed pests?
(Simply to torment my life? Because really that's not a good enough answer. )
2. Where do the missing socks from the dryer really end up?
(It's a conspiracy by the cotton manufacturing company. First they steal your socks and then try to sell them back to you as crappy t-shirts)
3. Which one of you clowns decided to stop and camp in the tundra that is the mid-west, and who of you all were the townsfolk that decided to join the circus?
(8* high! What were you thinking!)

Come on people, one man dying, not a big deal. When the whole herd of sheep jump willingly off the cliff to their icy deaths, then my friend we have got a problem. And a shortage of mutton, but that's an entirely different post.

We took the leap. We jumped feet first. If my heating bill doesn't kill me, we just might make it out.

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