Thursday, January 11, 2007

I Love That Girl

By the time 6:00 rolls around at our house I am so done with the kids. They're not even my kids by that point they're the kids. I'm tried, I'm cranky, I want some space. Usually this isn't an issue. DH gets home and I get a break . . . well at least I get to go to the bathroom by myself. That counts as a break, right?

The point is busy season has started. For those of you without auditors for husbands, I'll elaborate. Every year starting around January the accounting field kicks into high gear. The companies have just finished their year ends (so the information is just barely becoming available) and the auditors have until March to get the entire audit done. **This is the way it works for most companies, not all. Some jobs are different then others but if you work for a large accounting firm you can basically just count on the firm owning your butt from January through March** So DH is planning on at least 60 hour work weeks (at least, sometimes they peak upwards of 80 hours per week) for the next quarter. So you can just guess what that means for me. Okay. Enough with the belly aching. Back to tonight.

I was cranky. I was tired. I'd just finished making dinner and the kitchen, okay house, was a disaster. I was tired of singing songs. I was tired of playing games. I just wanted to plop down on the couch and sit for the rest of the night. So I plopped, but I knew it wouldn't last.

Sure enough within 5 seconds of sitting down Googie was right there. She said " Us wrong Momma? Momma, you o-k? Momma, you ant a seeep?" And then to Dot, who was playing on the floor giggling at Googie's lamb, "Sissy Quie. Quie. Shhh Sissy. Momma seeep." And then she played with Dot for a half an hour. Very nicely I might add. Googie sang her songs. She played peek-a-boo. By the end she had Dot giggling so hard her body was shaking. I couldn't help but sit there and laugh of the two of them playing together.

My 27 month old baby took care of my 4 month old baby today. Googie is a very good big sister.

And me? After that I was able to get up and be a very good Momma again. Googie inspired me tonight. I had a lot of thoughts run through my head while the girls played together. But the one the struck me the hardest was: this is what a family is all about. Taking care of each other. Not being so worried about the roles we play, or who's job it is to do what. When one person faulters another is right there to pick them up and take the lead. Even if the one picking up the slack is only two.

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