Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Yummiest Potato Salad

So I have a problem when I make Potato Salad. My husband doesn't like half of the ingredients I like in it. So this is my solution. If you have picky eaters use this method, they won't even know the difference.

Picky Potato Salad

4 large Potatoes, boiled and cubed
4 large eggs, hardboiled and cubed
4 pickles, chopped
1/2 cup* onion
1/2 cup* bell peppers (what ever color you like)
1/2 cup* olives
1/3 cup* mayonaise
3 T* mustard (use dijon for an extra spicy salad)
salt and pepper to taste

So to put this all together. The potatoes, eggs, and pickles all go in your serving bowl. To this add the onion, bell pepper, and olives, reserving those your family doesn't like (ie. if your family likes olives but hates peppers and onions, add the olives chopped, and reserve the peppers and onions. Personally my husband hates all three so I reserve them all). Now to make the dressing. In your food processor add the onion, peppers, and olives (whatevers left of them). Chop them up really small. Next add the mayo and mustard to the processor, puree the mixture until mostly smooth. Now add a little of the pickle brine to thin it out to a dressing consistency. (I know, I know, pickle brine? Believe me it will make the salad!) Add the dressing to the salad, and toss. Salt and pepper to taste.

That's it. Totally simple huh? And you can add any ingredients you like that I left out. You will get all the flavors of potato salad and none of the complaining about the ingredients. My husband hates, Hates, HATES onions, and he doesn't even notice them when I make it up like this.

Disclaimer: This does NOT work for people who are actually allergic to said items, so make sure they just don't like the flavor, not they can't eat them!

*These measurements are approximations. Add a little more or less until it looks right.

Serves 4-6 people

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