Monday, April 24, 2006

6 Weird Things . . .

Thanks to LammyAnn for this post.

Okay, six weird things about me . . .

1. I am 22 years old and soon to be the mother of 2. I got married when I was 18. We want to be done having kids by the time I'm 25.
2. I like watching ESPN with my husband. (Especially basketball and hockey!)
3. I can't eat lasagna (sp?), the texture of the noodles makes me sick. (Although I love all other Italian foods.)
4. I can't brush my teeth if somebody just flushed the toilette. It just grosses me out!
5. I like to read books more than I like to watch movies.
6. When I grow up I want to be an elementary school teacher. Preferably second grade.

I'd love to hear all the weird things about any and all of you! Let me know if you post them!


Anonymous said...

ROFL about the flushing the toily thing. Never thought about it.
My dear friend had all her 5 children by the time she was 25... and she has LOVED it....Now they are teens and leaving the nest one by it's harder, but she is glad it isn't all stretched out.
Great weirdo stuff :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, to be all finished by the time you're 25? Quite the feat! Whereas my weird LDS goal was to not start HAVING kids until my 30s!!!